Not to late to wish all a Happy Eid Mubarak... maaf zahir dan batin.
Ramadhan came & left. My 1st Ramadhan as a wife after a while. Sad as it was not as perfect as I would want it to be but happily busy with my responsibility as wife & mother. I know my Syawal this year will be really busy... but I didn't expect it will be THIS busy.
This year is the year at my parents place. A year where everyone gathers at my mom's place. But since this year my cousin delivered a baby boy just before Syawal, so she and her family is not with us.
The usual visit to my grandparents grave in Ulu Kelang and Kelang, to my aunty's house to visit her, my cousin and her two children and a trip to Sg. Besar for dinner with my Mak Ngah & Pak Uteh's family completes the day ... or so I thought XD
This year the 1st day raya didn't stop at Sg. Besar. After dinner, my small family and me traveled another 2 and 1/2 hours to Seremban to be with my in-laws. Reached there almost midnight and most of the family members were already asleep.
2nd day of raya, my in-laws place is a mecca for visitors. Extended family members of all ages thronged in and out, the sisters and me became 'bibik' of the day. Towards the evening I became too overwhelmed with fatigue, I couldn't even stand up. Usually 2nd raya for my family will be very quiet except for the raya bowling and karaoke.
3rd raya is visiting day for my husband's family. They will go and visit those who came to the house a day earlier. It's makan2 time, but not for my mother-in-law and my son who had started Syawal fasting and me, as I had started replacing my missed Ramadhan fasting. We went back to K.L after dinner at one of the uncle's house.
K.L traffic was quiet the whole week as schools are still closed for the holidays. Most parents took leave for the whole week to celebrate. The minus point of being a local is the tendency of your leave not being approve is very high. But this year I don't mind working as I need to keep my leave for my sister's wedding and for moving house at the end of the year.
So that's my Aidilfitri for this year. I hope to be able to complete my Syawal fasting before the end of Syawal... then I would have another makan2 time!

Hope you enjoy reading this Raya update. Sorry if its a bit dry this year without any exciting photos... too busy entertaining... my shutterbug mode asleep.
Till next time!
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