Winds of change...

"Mama, may I go out to play today?", said my daughter. "Since you've finished your lunch today, you may. But you have to promise that you will finish your dinner later." I said. "I will!", said my daughter happily. She went to the closet, looking for a change of clothing. Then she asked, "Mama, can I wear short sleeved T-shirt?". "Of course, why not?", I answered. "But I want to wear my tudung. Can I wear it with short sleeved T-shirt? I don't have any long sleeved T-shirt. Why didn't you buy clothes that covers my aurat? You know that we should cover our aurat when we go out of the house. I want to cover my aurat." she rambled on with a determination of a 7-year old.

I was stunned, speechless, loss for words. As a parent, you will always try to do things right with your children. Sending them to good schools, religious school, get them to recite the Quran, let them read religious related books and magazines. But somehow, I've missed a step. I was ignorant on how I was dressing her.

My daughter never liked frills, gowns, off-shoulder dresses. Partly because I don't quite like them either. Even though I find little girls wearing fluffy dresses are cute. I believe in freedom of movement in a person. So, pants, shorts, jeans with T-shirt will take up the majority of space in the closet. But I do still dress my daughter up in dresses, about maybe 5% of her growing up years. As a result, she is rather boyish, like me when I was little.

Now, this person in front of me, bombarding me with questions on what can she wear, whether her friends laugh at her, will they play with her showed me a maturity beyond her age in trying to understand and comprehend between right and wrong. Practicing what little she learnt about her faith. She even did her prayers without me reminding her about it. As if she got her calling and changed overnight.

It scared me a little bit, or more worried than scared. But I'm thankful to Allah s.w.t, for lending me this precious bundle of joy. I pray He would guide me in her upbringing. I believe He will make both of us a better person, mother, daughter. Alhamdulillah...

(p/s: If the dad is reading this, please be advised that your daughter is asking you to buy tudung, Ana Muslim T-shirts, long skirts/jeans with long sleeved blouses and long dresses with long sleeved inners from now onwards.)

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