We start with reviewing my 2011 plans:
2) I will reduce my weight. I'll be starting on a weight plan regime on 3rd of January 2011. Which, to my mom's delight, will include exercising.
4) I have also changed my work life to be more flexible. Now I have to make sure that I work hard enough and not playing around too much.
Okayyy.... only two was striked off. (T^T)

However, when I registered for my 2nd semester, work got in the way. I've taken all my study materials, skimmed through the contents & assignments but I totally forgot to attend my 1st tutorial. Only when my batchmate smsed me the next day that I remembered. I had to make a quick decision. My work schedule was so tight, and after skimming through the modules, I know I would not be able to understand unless I went to the tutorials. Missing 1 tutorial is a huge deal as we have only 4 tutorials per semester. So I decided to defer the semester.
When I registered for my 3rd semester (2nd officially), I realized that I have made a good decision. All of my batchmates' had lower grades for that semester due to the stress of having 3 assignments to be submitted all at once. But I felt sad as now I won't be graduating with them. I made a point not to miss my tutorials this time and luckily towards the end of the year, work was not as hectic, so I was able to concentrate on my studies. I can say I did quite well in my mid-year exam & assignment and results showed that I have passed the subject. My finals will only show if I have it to maintain on Dean's List.
Now I've registered for my 4th semester (3rd officially) but instead of 3 subjects, I'll be taking 4 subjects to make up for the lost time so that I could complete together with my batchmates. (^-^)

However, I have rescheduled myself for the upcoming session starting 2nd January 2012. A good start to the new year!! (^-^) - Must slim down as the target is to take a new family photo on Aidilfitri. Hehehe....
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I moved to another block since middle of the year and settled in quite okay. The only sad part is I have to be separated from my son as the house is an all-girls only. Before moving over, we had a discussion and decided this is the best option as he wouldn't be around much anyway due to his studies. We will make do until he completes his studies or if I can find some better arrangements. Still need a few items to make it more conducive for me and my daughter.

Finally on the 29th, I've got a call for interview on the 5th January 2011 at a well-known legal firm. Again, a different industry but secretarial work is adaptable to any kind of industry depending who you work with. Seems like lady luck is finally smiling on me. I'll take whatever is offered and supplement it with whatever I can get from my VO world.

Sad to say, lately my relationship with my Creator has taken a step back and I feel that I'm such a hypocrite. I must review all my relationships and make it right between me and Him. No other relationship most important to me than this relationship and the relationship I have with my family, immediate and extended.
So, in a nutshell, these will be the plans for 2012:
1) Studies: DL for all 3 semesters. Taking 4 subjects each semester, without any deferment. No more playing around.
2) Weight: To reach ideal weight of 57kg by year end no matter what, no matter how. (Yikes!! That is 17 kilos to shed off). Bootcamp starting on 2nd January for a month and will find a way to continue the sessions. Taking on new supplement plan and revising daily menu. HOOYAH!!
3) Home: Going shopping after budget calculations. Hopefully, I can complete my home improvement exercise before school starts.
4) Work: Cannot do much this subject except continue sending resumes to potential employers. Prepare & present my best at the interview on the 5th January. If selected, my daily schedule will be changed and new arrangements will be made.
5) Relationships: Must review!!! No more excuses.
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