Went to her family's house with one thing in mind. I want her.... and I know my life will be happy with her. Amids jokes and laughter, I took out the ring I've brought. A booking fee... for a lifetime of blessings from Illahi. Alhamdulillah, everything went smoothly. The easiness shows how ArRahman ArRahim bless this intended union. As though it has been written in His books ... for my life and his angel.
For my life... my days are counted. One day I will not be around to share your joys and your sorrows. I present to you this angel, to wipe your tears when I'm gone, to care for you in your sickness, to laugh with you when you are happy. She is created for you from your ribs, to safeguard the most important thing in your life... your heart. Cherish her... love her... for Allah s.w.t has sent you the most precious gift anyone could ever ask for... your guardian angel... your soul mate. My life, forgive me as I have not been a perfect person. I've failed to show you the righteous path. I failed to guide you as I should have. My only hope is to redeem my wrongdoings through this angel, as I trust she would be able to fill the void I had left.
For my angel... I give you my life. The most precious gift Allah s.w.t has given me. Care for him as you would care yourself. Forgive him for all his lacking as it is due to my ignorance, guide him to be a better person... a better khalifah. For I know, you are the guiding light of his soul.
I pray for your happiness... pray you'll be blessed always. Be a partner and a friend. A teacher and a student. Share knowledge and learn from each other. You will always be my life, the love of my life ... and my angel... you are my beautiful happiness.
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